Next week we are going to be sharing the story of the Gingerbread Man so we are going to make gingerbread biscuits next week.
I will be sending your child's Learning Journal home for you to complete. I have put a letter inside to explain what we would like you to do. Below is a copy.
We have completed your child’s settling in forms in the front of their Learning Journals. Could you please complete the parent’s section so that we can see how you feel your child is settling. We would also like you to put something in the book that your child has done at home. This can be a picture, an outing or just a photograph. Please can you put it on the first available page and limit it to one side as we need to use these books to record your child’s journey through Foundation. We would like this to be your child’s work and ideas so don’t be tempted to create your own little masterpieces!
Please speak to me if you have any concerns about your child settling in or any other issues.Have a good weekend.
Mrs Robinson:)